mardi 16 octobre 2007

Once upon a time there was Ken

Once upon a time there was a man called Ken who wanted to protect his town, said the mother.
He really wanted to care about this place then he decided to fight against pigeons, who used to pollute the nice Trafalgar square garden, with the help of falconers. The square should look like an attraction park those day, you see how much is involved in the wellness of every one
And he isn’t selfish, he heard about polar bears’ problem. The ice is melting and as he used to Ken was on the case. He found solutions. At first he “pleaded with Londoners to refrain from unnecessary flushing of their toilets” and later he beg for them to switch off all their equipments instead of letting them on standby. And in his hard struggle to reduce the CO2 discharge he didn’t only claim at people of walking or cycling instead of driving he also create taxes to limit the number of people who wanted to enter the town.
Then the little boy who was really glad but also disappointed asked his mother :
-“Ken was only looking after his town ?”.

Smiling, she told him :
-“No of course not, this boy also cares about people”.

She explained him that he dreamed of being able to protect everyone. Then he each ward of his big town he rose number of policeman introducing police safer neighbourhood teams. What a nice partnership isn’t it ? It seems as if everyone is a policeman ! It’s sure that seeing a man wearing a uniform or wearing it yourself put you at rest.

And then now you know why in London people are happy and don't miss to thanks their dear Ken.

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