mardi 29 janvier 2008

Lee Jasper in a conflict of interest

This conflict concern Lee Jasper , a colaborator of K. Levingstone, and his old firm: African Caribbean Positive Image Foundation, which he's been the director. The society was accusated of missues because they've loaned 18,000£ of public money to a Ethnic mutual in October 2007. He gets defend by accusation to the actual director of the ACPIF, Emerson Braithwaite, he said he didnt know anything about this transaction.
Furthermore L. Jasper's right hand, Rosemary Emodi, has illegaly used public money for private political during a freebie trip to Nigeria.
These polemics could have negatives effects on K. Levingstone's electoral campaign.

mardi 8 janvier 2008

Holy Ken and Brutus Boris

Drôle de coincidence , quand Ken parle, un halo lumineux se forme au dessus de sa tête, pendant que Boris essaye tant bien que mal à remettre son dentier en place .
Après " Laurel et Hardi " , " Boris et Ken" prochain blockbuster en vogue !