vendredi 2 mai 2008
news of the front !
The Londoners want some changements in their government , and Ken doesn't represent it because he is too old.
The conservative party has won in Britain ( 500 places more in council whereas the Labour party loose 434 ).
La presse britannique très orientée
Quant à Boris, le Guardian ou le Daily Mirror par exemple, n'hésitent pas à le ridiculiser en ewposant ses postures ou ses attitudes comme ridicules. Bref, la presse joue un rôle très important dans ces élections. Cette élection est susceptible d'orienter ou non le vote de ses électeurs.
jeudi 1 mai 2008
Sondage à Notting Hill
Tuesday April the 29th we walked a long time to find a good place to collect some politicals views about the elections. We interviewed teenagers, people in their forties and older people. We have seen that Boris and Ken are by far frontrunners ahead of the others, Brian Paddick a long way after them and Sian Berry at the bottom end. Besides, we did our interview in Notting Hill : Boris Johnson's district. Now we know that Boris Johnson is the favourite candidate in this borough, however Ken is not far behind 60 against 40% so, let's the surprise go. About votes motives, there are currents red lines about transport, security. It's certainly revealing a problem about expensives transports prices even in a wealthy borough.
mercredi 30 avril 2008
Sian berry
She wants to change London for good ,but she is not as popular as Ken and Boris .
We have made a research on the web to compare how often the candidates are mentioned .
And we have made a poll , 5 persons in 20 know her ,but just one knows her program
mardi 29 avril 2008
The London election's day is arriving! Conflicts are numerous. Yesterday April 28th, during the candidates debate, tensions were to be felt. Ken was energized and Boris took an acid joke in his face.
It adds with his 13 points lost in stats, Boris, we want to believe! What about others candidates ? Now we know they won't be elected but Ken and Boris need their voters second choice to secure victory.
mardi 8 avril 2008
Boris : a golden name
mardi 11 mars 2008
Let Britain live ! "Comeback of the congestion charge"volume2
thanks to the greater london assembly there is a congestion charge since 2002
and actually this tax is of 8 P ! it costs too much for you !
So don't think to re-try , we have already anticipated !
Because soon we will create a congestion charge for the trains and the underground
and it's not finished ... to be continued ...
Next on the silver screen VOLUME3
Movie by .............................................. greater london assembly
staring : ken livingstone as ................ The mayor of London
Thanks to ............................................. the Londoners ( especialy theirs money...)
mardi 26 février 2008
Poor ken...
Red-Ken has already more enemies ( Tony Blair , Boris Johnson...) now he stands up to industries ! As a game, he's playing with a lot of people, but will he be able to take up this challenge ??
Either he will win the trial with difficulties , or he loses it and his money with .
Even if he ruins faster than his shadow, he will get into difficulties to beat a big industrie.
Finally, his list of enemies will extend ...
Mr Boris Johnson saidon feb. 10th that he would like to build a new airport on an artificial island Thames estuary. For him, the current biggest airport of London which has been built in 1943 in Heathrow should be switched in the estuary.
This proposition doesn't please to everybody. Indeed the cost would be about 11billion£, furthermore this 3rd airport would add other polutions, remember what Boris said in the past: "I will support the Low Emission Zone to improve air quality". This project has already been rejected in 2005 and the transport department said it has no plans to reconsider its veto on the estuary.
In this case Boris has to be elected if he wants to build this new airport.
The 21 february, Mr Lee Jasper, the henchman of Ken Levingstone, has been suspended.
Indeed, he's been suspected of fraud about six organisations run by Jasper's friends or associates Scotlandyard has investigated for 3 months on this polemical subject.
However, no clues have been founded so, Mr Jasper is free now!
mardi 5 février 2008
Indeed Ken Livingstone has decided on the 4 february to add an other charge. Remember, there is already a charge for the centre of the city (8£), and there may be an other later about trains... The new one just concerns over 12,500 vehicles (4*4), 120,000 lorries and some buses that are polluting vehicles.
Incriminated people have to pay a charge of 200£ to enter London. (Electors, I love you!)
Therefore, he's been photographed so proudly in front of a big hoarding with a wonderful slogan: " the low emission zone, cleaner air greater London". He did it in order to integrate London into the European norm about pollution. So he promised to diminish pollution emissions.
Furthermore he would like to control speed with GPS.
Boris Johnson has answered:"the most punitive, draconian fining regime in the whole of Europe".
He added he prefers american politic about pollution.
mardi 29 janvier 2008
Lee Jasper in a conflict of interest
Furthermore L. Jasper's right hand, Rosemary Emodi, has illegaly used public money for private political during a freebie trip to Nigeria.
These polemics could have negatives effects on K. Levingstone's electoral campaign.